Saturday, 25 January 2025

3rd Sunday of the Lord Year C

A couple of weeks ago, I raised an issue which might relevant to the readings, notably, the subject of compulsion. The 1st Reading has Prophet Ezra speaking of God’s laws and reading to the people from morning till afternoon. The word “law” itself is already compelling because embedded in the notion of legality is an inherent threat of force. In order for it to be effective, laws must “carry a stick”. Just like fines imposed on us. If we were not punished for non-compliance, then what is the point of stating a fine? It makes a mockery of the law and our country is full of warnings but because they are never enforced. Almost everyone flouts the law and if enforced, it is done selectively.

So, right at the start of the year, how can we move away from this notion of the law as an imposition? If we were tangled by the annoyance that laws compel, then it will be hard to see beyond imposition. We will also feel burdened but beyond penalty, that is, away the long arms of the law, rules and regulations also serve another purpose. They define us. They are not merely matters of do’s and don’ts. In drawing lines, they define who we are. For example, if rapists were caught and released with simply a stern warning, the message to the rapists is that our society tolerates rapes.

In the Gospel, Jesus went to the Temple and there He took out the scroll of Isaiah and started reading. For him that was a moment of self-definition. He drew His lines like He did on the sand, and His behaviour after reading from Isaiah sent a clear signal of His identity. As He sat down, all eyes in the synagogue were fixed on Him and He proceeded to announce that the words of Isaiah were applied to Himself. He is the Messiah they had been waiting for. As the Anointed One, He has come to proclaim the Gospel, to set prisoners free, to give sight to the blind, to set the downtrodden free and to proclaim a year of favour.

For the Church, the boundaries that defines the Messiah’s engagement with the world has deep social and ecological implications. They define who we are too. In fact, the Church’s self-understanding harmonises with mission she has received from Christ Himself. Doing good has been the DNA of the Church and currently that good is done through a comprehensive care for the environment and a search for a form of equality that respects with our dignity as “imago Dei”.

As the image of God, we reflect the Trinitarian character of our God. We are not monads, or single-cell organisms. We are not amoebas. We are defined by our complex relationships. The 2nd Reading speaks of the body as an organic whole and yet we are not merely any body but a spirit-filled body with the heart of Christ beating within. Echoing the 3rd Eucharist Prayer which we are familiar with, “One body, one spirit in Christ”, we are animated by Christ’s Spirit to be His Body, the Church. As such, each one has a role to play in making this Body come alive.

Sadly, we are highly motivated as individuals and we think in terms of self-reliance, independence and assertiveness. We fiercely guard our personalfreedom so much so that beyond our close-knit circle of family and friends, there seems to be a chasm or a void out there which we seldom feel responsible for. This is exemplified when people speak of “victimless” crime as if there were truly such a thing. The criterion that no one got hurt cannot be translated to a victimless crime.

The organic analogy of the Church given by St Paul is an antidote against such a notion of victimless crime. For even if no one were hurt or injured, the person who sins, deforms his or her soul. If being good makes us more like Christ, then sin mars His image in us and moves us further away from His body. In other words, everyone has an influence on everyone no matter how small. If a member of the Christian community is hurt, then all the other members also share in the suffering. This makes us responsible for each other.

What has become an important value for modernity is authenticity. But if we think about it, Christ’s proclamation of Isaiah’s scroll would not sound so revolutionary if everyone regarded himself or herself as part of an organic whole. For example, we are inspired by acts of generosity and goodness. In heaven, everyone is generous and good that it would not even cause a ripple or register as a stand-out.

Christ’s definition of Himself is an invitation and challenge to each one of us to cultivate the habits of generosity and goodness because these acts create the Body of Christ, making the Church even more Christ-like for the world which hungers for and also seeks the face of God.

Finally, the very idea of laws is not alien to us. It is not an imposition but rather as found in Jeremiah 31:34: “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people”. In love there is no compulsion. When there is love, there will always be an overflowing of compassion and charity. When we love, there God is.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C 2025

We have arrived at the final theophany in a trilogy of Divine manifestations. First, came the Magi from the East. Second, Christ was baptised in the desert by His cousin, John. Third is this weekend’s Gospel set in Cana and we have jumped from Luke to John’s Gospel. There was a wedding and the mother of Jesus was there. So too were Jesus and His disciples.

The wedding at Cana is listed by the Evangelist as the first sign performed by Jesus. What makes it the first miracle bears a closer scrutiny. The context for this miracle is interesting. Firstly, John speaks of the event from the perspective of the third day. Secondly, the answer Jesus gave to Mary is also related to it. He tells His mother that His hour has not come yet. Hence, right at the start of His public ministry, we catch a glimpse of both the Cross and the Resurrection. The “hour” points to His Passion and the “third day” is echoed each Sunday when we recite the Creed that “On the third day, He rose again”.

The symbolism is there to see. What is about to take place at a wedding highlights a future to come. The past was caught up in the history of Adam and Eve whereas the future is charted by the New Eve who simply indicates to her Son that His hour is about to begin and through this new Adam, creation is getting a fresh start.

Therein is something for us to think about.

Christ is the new beginning. According to today’s Gospel narrative, it started with the water jars meant for ablution. As the couple ran out of wine, the miracle initiated by Our Lady is quite frankly out of this world. Associated with new beginning in Christ is abundance. The six stone jars represent incompleteness and in a manner of speaking, chaos and raw disorder at the start of creation. Christ calms the chaos and completes creation with the blessing of plenty.

The Evangelist’s first sign is an invitation to appreciate life and to savour the bounty of God’s goodness towards us. Christ Himself promised that “I have come so that you may have life to the fullest”. However, this begs the question of what the “fullest of life” could mean.

At the level of human experiences, He multiplied bread and fish to feed the multitude. After their meal, they were left with baskets full. This is what the Lord does when it comes to scarcity. The boy who offered Him the five loaves and two fish learnt that in Christ abundance is the miracle but we have to trust in Him. The more generous we are with God, the greater His benevolence.

An expression of our trust in God’s generosity is to share this abundance with others. Again it is not about material plenty. The great thing about material sharing is that our second collection for the poor is doing rather well. Kudos to the people who have responded really so generously especially towards our food bank. Working in the office, one gets to see how the regulars drive in and start loading up the poor box with basic necessities that POHD needs to fulfiltheir charity run.

More than feeding the poor, abundance calls for a sharing of life. This might be a bit messier because it involves people and feelings. How do we let the abundance of our love flow out to others. Of course, as always, it starts at home, beginning with relationships in the family and it flows out into our relationships with others. How can we interact or socialise, wherever we are, so that people sense that life is worth living? How do we support each other psychologically and even spiritually? Do people who encounter us leave more hopeful? Or they come to us and they feel that life is sucked out of them?

There is more to life than merely earthly abundance, be it material or psychological. What about spiritual abundance in the fullest sense of the word? Through our experiences with others, be it family or friends, Christ actually purifies our earthly delights and He also elevates our sorrows. In Him, there has to be a reconciliation between a life in abundance and the sorrow that we will experience on earth. God’s blessing and sorrow are not mutually exclusive.

Both Laetare and Gaudete Sundays are examples of why we dare to celebrate even though Lent and Advent are both penitential seasons in their nature. Catholics know how to have a good time but Catholics also know how to endure difficulties gracefully. Tribulations are merely reminders that total plenitude can never be found in this world.

We necessarily live within a world where there is going to be sorrow but it is not a sign that God is miserly. In fact, the abundance of God is manifested in the Son. Right at the beginning of the Cana experience, there was already an indication of the Passion to come. Christ who died on the Cross is God’s mightiest benevolence. Just like it is for the couple at Cana, their wedding celebration is truly a sign of trust that come hell or high water, Jesus will never fail us. With Him, the couple enjoyed His abundance. There were about 700 litres of alcohol to imbibe, judging by the 6 times 30-gallon jars. The lesson at the start of the Ordinary Time, is that with Jesus and Mary, there will always be enough. Let us rejoice.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

The Baptism of the Lord Year C 2024

Last week we marked an epiphany. Again, this Sunday is another theophany. It is the baptism of the Lord. How can we better appreciate this event and the Sacrament?

Perhaps we can approach it from the perspective of birthdays. Celebrating birthdays is such a central feature in modern living. Life is precious and we ought to celebrate the day we were born. But there are other birthdays too. For example, do you remember the day of your baptism? For the majority amongst us, it is truly a non-event. We can be sure that babies, in general, have no memory of the rite. So much so that the Anabaptists and some of their offshoots have a tradition that only adult baptisms are valid. For them, the criterion for the sacrament’s validity is being able to make a conscious decision to accept and ask for baptism.

In a way, the belief of the Anabaptists mirrors the experience of some of our RCIA candidates who are to be envied for if they had undergone a genuinely life-altering baptism, they will generally make better Catholics than some of us cradle-baptised.

A little anecdote of how insignificant baptism is for some of us. I was ordained a deacon in AD1999 and then a priest at the turn of the millennium. Went back to complete my licentiate after the sacerdotal ordination and then returned to full service in AD2001. After conducting many prenuptial enquiries, I thought it might be a good idea to obtain a fresh copy of my baptism certificate since we were always demanding for their latest copy. One day, I was passing through Malacca and so decided to step into St Theresa’s Church, the family’s parish, to request an extract. A couple of months later, I was in Malacca again and went to parish office to enquire but still, there could not locate my baptismal record. Long story short, this terrible “harassment” of the parish office staff took 3 years. Finally, they managed to obtain an extract for me. They traced through the Confirmation record they had kept to the Church of the Seven Sorrows, Macalister Road in Penang. It was embarrassing but more importantly, it simply highlighted how insignificant “baptism” can be for some of us.

Jesus today was baptised as an adult. Firstly, He had no need of it because John’s baptism was a rite of repentance which was a symbolic and outward expression of an interior desire for change. Precisely Jesus was sinless and yet He submitted Himself to the rite to show His solidarity with humanity. Yet, John pointed to Him as the Lamb of God who takes the sins of the world—Jesus.

Secondly, as Luke detailed, coming out of the water, He prayed and heaven was opened. That was an important milestone in His life. It was the confirmation of His Father’s love and also signalled the start of His public ministry.

Perhaps we could also rethink the ways we could celebrate our baptismal anniversary. So far, our focus is on birthdays. They are tangible milestones but do you know that there is a tradition in some countries, where the predominant Church is either Catholic or Orthodox, to celebrate a person’s name day.

Every day of the calendar has a name associated with it and it is usually that of a Saint. Thus people should celebrate the day that they took on a new name which happened to be the day of their baptism. But with a heavy emphasis on originality and individuality, we tend to accentuate the uniqueness of a person as reflected in the most “fantabulous” names parents can conjure.

A name day is coming from another angle and it is based on imitation and it is also exemplary. Moreover, assuming a new name represents a change in one’s life direction. Like Simon becoming Peter and Saul transforming into Paul, their names changed signalled their newfound purpose to be missionaries of Christ. Likewise, it is for us. When we take on a patron saint’s name at baptism, we indicate that we are part of that mission to be apostles of Christ and that our patron saint is a concrete model to emulate.

This is borne out by our liturgy too. When a drop of water is added to the wine, the priest says sotto voce, “May we come to share the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share our humanity”. He came to be one of us and through the grace of our baptism, we should strive to be like Him. The pantheon of saints are shining beacons that beckon us to follow their examples.

In other words, baptism is such an important event in our life, that not even our birthdays rank as high. There is a rule for celebrating a saint’s feast day. The day we commemorate a saint is usually associated with the day he or she died. The day they died is called “dies natalis”, the day that they are born into heaven.

Our baptism is both a death and a birth. The waters of baptism mortify as well as vivify. We die because of our sins but at baptism we also die to our sins. But what feels like death is actually a rebirth, like for example, a child in the womb who needs to “die” in order to be born. Thus the death to sins is a birth in the Spirit. Baptism, our second birth initiates our journey on earth that must end with our birth into the fullness of life in heaven. Let us live for that final birthday, the “dies natalis”, when we will be counted amongst the saints and friends of the Lord in eternity.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Epiphany Year C 2025

Epiphany is a feast of manifestation. So far the shepherds were the only ones who had seen the Christ. With the Magi, He is now shown to the world and that is just the beginning. If the world were in doubt, they will no longer be for the King of the kings is here now. The event that has brought the Magi is by no means a flash in the pan because liturgically, there are two more epiphanies to come and they are the Baptism in the Jordan and the Wedding at Cana.

As a public presentation to the world, we respond. Both shepherds and Magi responded by seeking out the Child to marvel and to worship. However, Herod responded with a somewhat malignant motive. Jesus was right when He told the Apostles, “Those who are with us are for us and those who are not with us are against us”. Either you are on His side or you are not. Herod was on the opposite side of Jesus.

If we fancy ourselves on the side of Jesus, then we have things to think about.

The three Magi brought gifts befitting the King. More than the status of a King is true worship. If anything, the gifts, even with gold, were just side shows. Significantly, these men had come from the far ends of the known world to behold the Child. That is devotion and dedication. Perhaps we should ask what attitude we bear when we come before the Lord.

Our present attitude is pretty much exposed via the system of obligation. The present religious practice is that we are required to attend Mass on a Sunday or any of the designated days of obligation. If the basic attitude were simply to fulfil it, then we may have just missed out on what the Magi did. They were under no obligation to come from afar. Yet they willingly embraced the hardship of travel in order to come and behold the child. Can you imagine yourself moving heaven and earth in order to come worship the Lord? Or do you feel compelled to be here? Last Sunday, when we launched the Jubilee, as part of the rite, there was a procession into the Cathedral. We announced that those with mobility issues should remain while those who can walk should join in the procession. There were mutterings about having to “vacate” the Cathedral and to go out into the hot sun. When we chafe under such a minor inconvenience, can we endure a more rigorous demand like persecution for our beliefs? We have become worshippers of convenience.

Compulsion does not grow well in the soil of freedom. St Augustine in his famous Confessions remarked that the God who created us without our permission cannot save us without our cooperation. That is how profoundly free we are—to accept or to reject. But God is also a “mysterium tremendum et fascinans”. It means that He is both a fearful and a fascinating mystery. Whether we recognise it or not, man fears that God will punish him if he does not toe the line. Even the Psalms highlight the fear of the Lord as a virtue. Whilst its meaning is “reverence”, what we hear it as “terror” or being terrified by the Lord. In fact, dictators are powerful because they know how to exploit our weakness which is the fear of the consequence of our inability to love.

But if like the Magi, nothing is going to stop us from coming to worship the Lord, then, gifts should be unfolded. If we come here because our hearts are searching for the Lord, then our gifts will represent that. We bring our best before the Lord. Perhaps the system of tithing might be brought up. Tithe is a method of ensuring that if all else fails, at least 10% is reserved for the Lord. But that can brings us back to the compulsion of giving. True giving is not calculative. To clarify, I am not suggesting donation. Just trying to see how we can move away from having to be dutiful out of compulsion to being dedicated out of love.

The Cathedral that is rebuilt in the centre of Paris should be our model. The French decided to return to the ancient Gothic structure that represented the best of what the mediaeval artisans erected for the Lord. Those Gothic monuments soaring into the sky sprang from a foundation of love. Since that should be the case, then we should spare no effort to give God our best. It is represented by our offering to Him the best of who we are. It is quality and not just quantity.

The same qualitative principle at work is to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Again the love for the Lord is the engine that powers our love for others and not the other around. Loving others in order to “prove” that we love God is to fall into the trap of giving grudgingly at best or merely fulfilling the obligation at worst. A good example is when the collection bag comes. Everyone seems to be putting in. You will look bad if you alone do not put anything in. The giving will be grudgingly or just fulfilling the obligation. Again the point is where our heart is, there is our treasure.

Finally, after the Magi had offered their best, they also made the decision to follow the star on their way home. Having the desire to worship God, we render Him the finest gift of ourselves and we should earnestly strive to follow the north Star. This so-called “true Star” is not the same as that which is promoted by popular culture. Our “celebrity star” puts a stress on my self-fulfilment and whatever I want to do. Everyone is his or her my own star. No. The Star is Christ Himself. He is the light that shines upon our path. Once we have found Him, we must not let go, no matter what. He is the treasure which we would want to hold onto forever, even if it should cost our life.